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Avoid These Foods in Summer

By - 10 April 2023, Updated on -12 May 2023

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Food is the most important aspect of every human being, regardless of whether it is summer or winter. In the summer, even healthy people can suffer from heat-related issues. High temperatures and dry weather can exhaust the body. As the temperature rises, so does the likelihood of contracting a summer illness.

Tolerating thirst in the summer, however, causes hunger to disappear as the stomach fills with water. To stay healthy and strong throughout the summer, it's crucial to drink the right amount of water and eat the right foods.

Importance of diet in summer

Let’s begin the blog with an interesting fact.

Because everyone is aware that their hunger decreases in hot weather, the food and beverages you consume during the summer will be critical in keeping you hydrated and surviving heat waves. People become less hungry as a result of the heat produced by eating and digestion. Small portions of food are therefore recommended for effective digestion and to avoid feeling heavy or bloated.

Due to the extreme heat, dehydration, dyspepsia, and a lack of vitamins and minerals are all more likely to occur in the summer. To combat dehydration, Apollo sells ORS drinks and powder in their store. Skin hydration is just as important as diet, and skin protection can be achieved with a variety of sunscreen lotions, creams and face masks available at apollo pharmacy.

To help with these issues, seasonal fruits and vegetables should be consumed. However, not all summer foods are soothing; some foods should be avoided in the summer to reduce the risk of disease.



  1. Spicy meals

Everyone drools over spicy food! Spices are used in every dish to add flavour and aroma, but spicy meals are not recommended in the summer. Our mouths water when we eat spicy food. Spices such as cardamom, pepper, ginger, cumin, garlic, and mustard increase metabolism and have a thermogenic effect on the body, causing an excess of heat to be produced and a rise in body temperature.


  1. Fried, junk, street and, processed food

Fried foods like samosas, bhajiyas, and vadapav, as well as junk food like pizza and hamburgers, are difficult to digest in the summer. It is best to avoid fried and oily foods during the summer because they affect digestion and clog your skin's pores with excess oil. Artificial sweeteners and flavouring agents in processed foods are harmful to the body. Street foods like Golgappa, bhel puri, and fruit salads are more appealing in the summer, but high temperatures are ideal for bacteria, making the food unsanitary.

  1. Animal protein food

Seafood, tandoori dishes, meat, and mutton are all tasty. Food poisoning is a risk because these products can become infected quickly in the summer if improperly stored. During a heatwave, foods high in protein take longer to digest, causing the body to become more heated and dehydrated.

  1. Dry fruits and nuts

Dry fruits and nuts can be found in smoothies, shakes, and other summertime cuisine, but they are not ideal choices. Despite their high nutritional value, dry fruits and nuts such as cashews, pistachios must be consumed in moderation during the summer. Dru fruits and nuts can significantly raise your body temperature, making them more appropriate for consumption in the winter rather than the summer.

  1. Alcohol

Everyone's summertime fantasy includes a cold beer on the beach. However, drinking impairs our physical and mental abilities while also slowing the functioning of the hypothalamus gland, which regulates body temperature. Because alcohol is a diuretic, it causes us to urinate more frequently, causing our bodies to become dehydrated. Because it raises body temperature, alcohol can cause heat stroke.

  1. Tea and coffee

Tea and coffee have a calming effect on the mind, so most of us start our days with a cup of tea or coffee. Caffeine is beneficial to your health when consumed in moderation. You've probably heard the expression "too much of anything is as bad as too little," and this is especially true for tea and coffee, which can both warm you up and dehydrate you.

To combat summer heat waves, proper meal planning is essential. Too much salt causes dehydration due to increased urine production, whereas too much sugar raises body temperature during digestion. Thus, by avoiding the foods mentioned in the blog and being mindful of your diet, you can enjoy summer to the fullest while staying healthy.


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