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Cavisan Medicated Dental Cream, 100 gm


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Cavisan Paste, 50 gm


Cavisan is a renowned brand that offers quality oral care products. They specialise in producing medicated dental creams and pastes that cater to the needs of people who want to maintain good oral hygiene. Cavisan is known for its expertise in dentistry and uses state-of-the-art technology to manufacture their products. They have a team of dental experts who ensure that each product meets the highest standards of quality, making them a trustworthy brand in the oral care industry. Cavisan takes great pride in ensuring that their products are effective and are made with the best ingredients.

Cavisan Products

Cavisan products are designed to help people maintain healthy teeth and gums. Their medicated dental cream and paste are formulated with active ingredients that help prevent cavities, gingivitis, and other dental problems. The Cavisan Medicated Dental Cream offers relief from toothache, sensitivity, and bad breath. The cream is also useful in preventing plaque buildup on teeth and keeping your teeth healthy. Cavisan Paste is specially designed to help prevent cavities and tooth decay. It contains fluoride, which is an essential ingredient for maintaining healthy teeth. The paste also helps to strengthen the enamel of your teeth, making them less prone to cavities.

Attractive Offers on Cavisan Products

Download Apollo 24|7 today to get access to daily offers, special deals, and exciting discounts on Cavisan products. You can also avail yourself of cashback offers on your purchases, making it an excellent platform for buying oral care products. Apollo 24|7 offers a wide range of Cavisan products at affordable prices, giving you the best value for your money. You can use coupon codes to get additional discounts on your purchases, making it an attractive deal for buyers looking to save money.

Frequently asked questions

The Cavisan Medicated Dental Cream offers relief from toothache, sensitivity, and bad breath. The cream is also useful in preventing plaque buildup on teeth and keeping your teeth healthy. Cavisan Paste is specially designed to help prevent cavities and tooth decay. It contains fluoride, which is an essential ingredient for maintaining healthy teeth. The paste also helps to strengthen the enamel of your teeth, making them less prone to cavities.

Yes, you can use Cavisan products if you have sensitive teeth. The active ingredients in Cavisan products are formulated to provide relief from tooth sensitivity and are safe to use.

You should use Cavisan products twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed. Regular use of Cavisan products will help maintain good oral hygiene.

No, Cavisan products do not contain any harmful chemicals. They are formulated with active ingredients that are safe to use and have been tested for quality.

Cavisan products are available on Apollo 24|7. Download the app today to get access to exciting deals and cashback offers on your purchases.