<h1><strong>Breastfeeding and formula milk</strong></h1>

Breastfeeding and formula milk

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, providing remarkable health benefits for both of you. Beyond its nutritional value, breastfeeding fosters an emotional bond, creating a deep sense of comfort and security for your baby.

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Benefits of breastfeeding 

Breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits for both the mother and baby. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends it as the optimal way to nourish your newborn.

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Benefits for the baby:

  • Provides essential nutrients and antibodies for immunity.
  • Reduces the risk of infections, allergies, and chronic illnesses like asthma.
  • Promotes healthy weight gain and lowers the risk of childhood obesity.
  • Enhances cognitive development.

Benefits for the mother:

  • It helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size.
  • Lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • Supports postpartum weight loss.
  • Strengthens the emotional bond between mother and baby.

Foods to have & to avoid for breastfeeding mothers

A mother’s diet directly impacts the quality of her breast milk and thus the baby’s health. A well-balanced diet is key to supporting both you and your baby at this time.

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Foods to have

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Whole grains like oats and quinoa.
  • Lean proteins such as chicken, eggs, and legumes.
  • Healthy fats from nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Foods to avoid

  • Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages
  • Spicy foods
  • High-mercury seafood (e.g., swordfish, mackerel)
  • Processed and fried foods
  • Gas-inducing foods (e.g., beans, cauliflower, broccoli)

Improve breast milk supply

To improve breast milk supply, focus on a balanced diet:

  • Good choices: Oats, spinach, carrots, salmon, eggs, and almonds.
  • Foods to boost milk supply: Fenugreek, fennel seeds, garlic, and sesame seeds.

Pumping breast milk

Pumping breast milk allows you to store milk for later use. This ensures your baby is fed even when you’re not there to do it. It also helps maintain supply and ease engorgement.

Breastfeeding positions

Finding the right breastfeeding position improves comfort, ensures effective milk transfer, and prevents issues like nipple pain or poor latching. Here's what you need to know.

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Common breastfeeding positions 

Sign of a good breastfeeding position includes no pain or discomfort while feeding. Some helpful and easy positions include:

  • Cradle hold: A position where the baby lies across your chest with their head supported in the crook of your arm.
  • Football hold: Ideal for mothers recovering from a C-section or those with larger breasts, where the baby is tucked under your arm like a football.
  • Side-lying: Convenient for night feedings, allowing both you and the baby to lie on your sides facing each other.
  • Cross-cradle hold: Provides better head control for the baby, making it a good option for newborns or babies struggling with latching.
  • Laid-back position: Uses gravity to help with latching; ideal for relaxing and bonding with your baby.

Getting the baby to latch

Getting your baby to latch deeply is essential for effective breastfeeding and avoiding nipple pain. Follow these steps to get a good latch.

  • Ensure their mouth covers most of the areola, not just the nipple.
  • Support their head, align their nose to your nipple, and gently guide them to open wide.
  • If your baby is not latching to the breast, try repositioning them, offering the breast when they are calm, or seeking support from a lactation consultant.

Lactation consulting

Lactation consulting offers support and expert guidance for mothers facing breastfeeding challenges such as latching issues or concerns about milk supply. 

Top tips for breastfeeding & formula

Feeding guide

Position the bottle so air bubbles rise, keeping your baby’s feeding smooth and easy.

Feed with ease 

Holding your baby skin-to-skin boosts milk supply and makes feeding easier.

Feeding cues

Feed your baby when they show signs of hunger, like crying or thumb-sucking.

Feeding basics

For your baby's comfort, use a clean bottle, lukewarm milk, and a teat with few holes.

First 6 months

Give your baby the best nutrition by breastfeeding exclusively during the first six months

Pain during breastfeeding 

Pain during breastfeeding is often caused by improper latching, engorgement, or blocked ducts. But all these issues are manageable with the right approach: 

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Sore nipples

Sore nipples are common and often caused by poor latch, incorrect positioning, or prolonged feeding. They can lead to pain, irritation or cracking but are manageable with care.

Lumps in the breast during breastfeeding

Lumps in the breast are often due to blocked milk ducts or engorgement. They can cause discomfort but usually resolve with frequent feeding, massage, and warm compresses.

How to get relief from nipple pain

Focus on improving the latch, using lanolin cream, or applying warm compresses. Proper positioning and frequent feeding provide effective pain relief and promote healing too.

How to stop breastfeeding 

Stopping breastfeeding is a gradual process to ensure comfort for both the mother and baby. It should be a slow and smooth process rather than an abrupt one.

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When to stop breastfeeding

There is no ideal time to stop breastfeeding or weaning your baby. The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months and breastfeeding alongside solids for two years.

How to stop breastfeeding 

Stopping breastfeeding requires patience and a gradual approach so that both mother and baby are comfortable.

  • For babies under one year, replace breastfeeds with formula or solids.
  • For toddlers, distractions like snacks or activities can help.
  • For older children, establish a consistent routine and gently explain the change. 

Formula feeding

Formula milk is a reliable alternative for feeding babies when breastfeeding is not an option. Follow age-specific recommendations and ensure correct storage.

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How to make and store formula milk

To prepare formula milk, follow the instructions on the packaging based on your baby’s age and weight. Use sterilised bottles and boiled, cooled water. Store the prepared formula in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Discard leftover milk after feeding to ensure safety.

Professional consultation

If you have any doubts about breastfeeding or formula feeding, consult a paediatrician or lactation consultant. They can provide expert guidance, tailored to your baby's needs. 


What is the 5-5-5 rule for breastfeeding?

Breast milk can be stored at room temperature for 5 hours, in the refrigerator for 5 days, or in the freezer for 5 months.

How many times should a newborn breastfeed in a day?

Newborns typically need 8–12 feedings in a day. This is because their small stomachs can only hold a limited amount of milk at a time.

Can breast milk be saved after feeding?

Yes, unused breast milk from a single feeding session can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 hours.

Why is breastmilk considered good for babies?

Breast milk perfectly fulfils a baby’s nutritional requirements, providing all the essential proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It also strengthens their immune system.

How long does breastmilk last?

Freshly expressed breast milk lasts 4-6 hours at room temperature and up to 4 days in the refrigerator.

What does breast milk taste like?

Breast milk typically has a sweet, creamy taste, which comes from its natural lactose content and healthy fats.