<h1>What to expect in&nbsp;<br><strong>Trimester 1</strong></h1>

What to expect in 
Trimester 1

The first trimester (weeks 1–12) is when your baby’s major organs begin developing. You may experience nausea, fatigue, and mood changes as your body adjusts. Regular prenatal check-ups, a balanced diet, and prenatal vitamins are key to a healthy pregnancy.

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Symptoms you may experience in Trimester 1

Learn about the changes your body goes through in the first trimester. Understanding them can help you feel more prepared for this exciting time.

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Nausea and morning sickness: You may start feeling nauseous, especially in the morning, though it can occur anytime during the day. It often begins between weeks 4 and 9.

Fatigue: Extreme tiredness is common, as your body works hard to support the baby’s growth. Rest and hydration can help manage this.

Tender, swollen breasts: Hormonal changes may cause your breasts to swell and become sensitive. This is the body preparing for breastfeeding.

Food cravings or aversions: You may develop strong desires for certain foods or find some foods you previously enjoyed now make you nauseous.

Constipation: The hormone progesterone relaxes your digestive system, which can make it harder to have regular bowel movements.

Heartburns: The pregnancy hormones relax the valve between your stomach and oesophagus which can let stomach acid leak into your esophagus.

Implantation bleeding: In early pregnancy, you might get some harmless light bleeding, called "spotting". This is when the developing embryo plants itself in the wall of your womb.

Moodiness: The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings are also common.

Bloating: Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause you to feel bloated, similar to how you might feel at the start of a menstrual period.

Your baby’s development

The first trimester is a period of incredible growth, from the earliest cell formations to the start of organ development. Discover key milestones in your baby’s progress. 

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Here's what your baby looks like in:

  • Month 1: Your baby is about the size of a poppy seed (0.1–0.2 cm) by week 4
  • Month 2: Your baby is about the size of a kidney bean (1.5–2 cm) by week 8
  • Month 3: Your baby is about the size of a lime (7–8 cm) by week 12 

Here is what your baby looks like

Body changes in this Trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body undergoes significant changes to support your baby’s growth. Let’s look at some of these key changes.

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Breast Changes: Your breasts may become swollen, tender, or feel heavier as they prepare for breastfeeding. You may also notice darkening of the areolas and more pronounced veins due to increased blood flow.

Weight Gain or Loss: While some women may gain a small amount of weight, others may lose weight due to morning sickness. Weight changes vary depending on your body’s response to early pregnancy. Try out our Weight Gain Calculator to estimate your weight fluctuation.

Increased Blood Volume: Your body increases blood production to support the baby, which can lead to feelings of dizziness or fatigue as your circulatory system adjusts. The increased amount of blood also causes the kidneys to process more fluids, leading to increased urination.

Uterine Growth: Even though your baby is still very small, your uterus begins expanding to accommodate its growth. You might experience mild cramping or stretching sensations in your lower abdomen as your ligaments and muscles adjust.

Skin Changes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your skin in various ways. You may notice changes in your skin, such as darkening of the skin around the face (melasma), or a healthy pregnancy glow due to increased blood flow and hormonal changes.

Precautions in this Trimester

First trimester is a delicate stage, where taking the right precautions can make a big difference. Let’s look at some essential precautions to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.

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Foods to Avoid

  • Avoid unpasteurised dairy and raw meat, fish and eggs. Do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid seafood high in mercury such as shark (Mushi), swordfish, king mackerel (Surmai), tuna (especially bigeye tuna), and marlin.
  • Limit your consumption of caffeine, spicy foods, and fenugreek.
  • Avoid alcohol, bhang, and processed or unhygienic food.

Activities to Avoid

  • Avoid strenuous physical activities such as heavy lifting, intense yoga, or aerobics.
  • Avoid scuba diving or hiking to high altitudes, especially if you are not used to it.
  • Do not clean your pet’s litter box, especially a cat’s. They contain millions of parasites that pose a risk to pregnant women.

Exercises to Avoid

  • Avoid high-impact exercises like running, jumping, or heavy weightlifting.
  • You should also avoid sports activities that have the risk of collision, tripping, falling etc.
  • Avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your stomach or bend your back too much.

Medicines to Avoid

  • Avoid taking any medications without consulting your doctor.
  • Avoid common drugs like painkillers (ibuprofen, aspirin), antibiotics, and cold medications, unless your doctor approves.
  • Do not use Indian herbal remedies like ashwagandha or ajwain excessively without a doctor’s guidance.
  • Do not take medications to which you've had allergic reactions in the past.

First Trimester Guide

First trimester can be overwhelming, but knowing what to do can help ensure a healthy pregnancy. Here's a quick guide on diet, exercise and sleeping positions:

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First Trimester Pregnancy Diet

  • Focus on a balanced diet rich in protein, folic acid, iron, and calcium.
  • Include staples like leafy greens, lentils, dals, whole grains, and dairy.
  • Opt for home-cooked, nutrient-filled meals for optimal health.
  • Some of the best foods include lean meat, yogurt, bananas, beans, and lentils.

Exercises in the First Trimester

  • Opt for gentle exercises like walking, prenatal yoga, and light stretching.
  • Traditional practices like mild yoga asanas can also help.
  • Swimming and other water-based workouts can also be good. It’s good for the heart and has low impact on your joints.

Sleeping Positions in the First Trimester

  • Any comfortable sleeping position is generally safe. You can even sleep on your stomach till the baby bump doesn’t get too big.
  • Experts suggest sleeping on your left side as it helps improve blood circulation and prepares you for later pregnancy stages.

Medical Checkups and Scans in the First Trimester

  • Routine blood tests for the first trimester include your blood type and Rh factor, Hemoglobin, blood pressure, and check for anaemia, hepatitis B, and HIV.
  • Your doctor may conduct a first-trimester ultrasound and NT (Nuchal Translucency) scan to monitor the baby's development.
  • Speak to your doctor for accurate guidance for scheduling these first-trimester tests and making timely appointments.

Sex during first trimester

Learn about the safety and changes surrounding sex during the first trimester. Find answers to common concerns and expert guidance for a comfortable and healthy experience.

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Is it safe to have sex during the first trimester?

Sex during the first trimester is generally safe in a healthy pregnancy and does not carry any risks of miscarriage. However, do consult your doctor if you have complications like bleeding, pain, or a history of miscarriage for personalised advice.

What are some safe positions?

Most sex positions are safe in the first trimester as long as you’re comfortable. Try positions that don't put pressure on the abdomen, like lying on your side or spooning. Use pillows for support when needed. It's essential to listen to your body and communicate with your partner about comfort and any concerns.

First trimester and ayurveda

The first trimester is considered a delicate phase. Eat a balanced diet, practice gentle prenatal yoga and meditation, and focus on maintaining your emotional and physical balance.

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Essentials for First Trimester

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Top Tips for the First Trimester

Food to avoid

It's best to not consume raw, high-mercury fish, unpasteurised dairy and alcohol

Embrace change

Breast changes like heaviness and larger areolas are normal, switch to supportive bras.

Stay active 

Moderately intense exercise is great for you, but avoid sports that risk abdominal injury.

Prenatal diet 

Make your diet nutritious and include prenatal vitamins containing folic acid and iodine.

Prenatal guide

Attend all your prenatal appointments like vaccinations, tests, ultrasounds
to track vitals 


How many weeks is the first trimester?

The first trimester of pregnancy typically starts from the first day of your last period up to 12 weeks.

Is paracetamol safe in the first pregnancy trimester?

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is generally considered safe to use during the first trimester of pregnancy to relieve mild to moderate pain or fever. However, it's best to always consult your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy.

What to eat during the first trimester of pregnancy?

During the first trimester, focus on nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, lentils, dairy, fruits, and whole grains. These provide essential vitamins, minerals, and protein for both the mother's health and the baby's development.

How to sleep during the first trimester?

You can sleep in any comfortable position in the first trimester. However, it would be helpful to practice sleeping on the side, particularly the left side, to prepare for the later phases of your pregnancy.

Is it safe to travel during the first trimester?

Generally, it is safe to travel during the first trimester if there are no complications. However, always consult your doctor for long-distance travelling or high-risk trips.

How to relieve pregnancy cramps in the first trimester?

Try gentle stretching, staying hydrated, applying a warm compress to the affected area, and taking rest to relieve pregnancy cramps during the first trimester. Walking and prenatal yoga can also help. Always consult your doctor before taking any pain relief medications.

How to sit during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and both feet flat on the floor to maintain good posture during your first trimester. A cushion should help for lower back support. Avoid crossing your legs for better circulation.

What not to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Avoid raw or undercooked meat, fish high in mercury (like shark and swordfish), unpasteurised dairy, raw eggs, and unwashed fruits and vegetables to decrease the risk of infections and complications.